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Daily Sung Compline at the Cathedral

Beginning on the evening of Wednesday December 30th, Compline according to the traditional Divine Office will be sung at the Cathedral of the Risen Christ daily at 7:00 PM until January 6th.

"Now Thou dost dismiss thy servant, O Lord, according to Thy word in peace;

Because my eyes have seen Thy salvation,

Which Thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples."

Compline, otherwise known as Night Prayer, is the last prayer of of the day in the Divine Office — that is, the set of prayers and Psalms that priests and religious pray every day. This practice of chanting the Psalms is an ancient one, one that sources all the way back to Jews in the Old Testament, some melodies of which are still carried forward today in our Roman Catholic traditions.

While not all of them will be officiated by a priest or deacon, we suspect that most nights will be, nights in which the official ceremonial for sung Compline will be done.

If you are unfamiliar with the traditional rite of Compline, we will be including sheets to follow along, if you would like, in the back of the church.

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